The GDPR was implemented nearly five years ago, and has established Europe as a global leader in tech regulation. Now new regulations such as the DSA, DMA, AI Act, and the European Strategy for Data have changed the landscape.

Join us on January 10, 2023, for this webinar with Karolina Mojzesowicz, Deputy Head of Unit Data Protection, European Commission, where we will discuss the lessons learned from the implementation and enforcement of the GDPR, and explore how these new regulations will interact with it.

We will also address questions such as: Are there aspects of the GDPR that may need to be revisited in light of the new tech regulation? How can we ensure consistency and compatibility between these regulations? And, what support will be provided to European businesses to help them navigate and compete in this new regulatory landscape?

Don’t miss this opportunity to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in tech regulation in Europe.