On this episode of the show, I catch up with Jeff and Heidi Veal, two influential leaders from Texas.  We compare and contrast each of their roles and they talk about the dynamics of being a married couple of edleaders.  They also talk about how they engage the community and help build a culture of innovation at their schools.

Jeff and Heidi are just another example of guests that I've had on this show that not only add amazing content to the podcast but are simply great people and I'm honored to have talked with them.  Here are resources from the show and ways you can connect with them:


Jeff and Heidi's Blog: jhveal.com

Jeff and Nathan Lang's Website: leadupnow.com

Jeff on Twitter: @heffrey

Heidi on Twitter: @VealHeidi

#leadupchat: Saturdays at 8:30 AM CT

#ecechat: Tuesdays at 8:30 PM CT