Former CIA Operative Robert Baer says if the CIA can prove that Russia interfered with the 2016 election then the US should vote again...

Election Fraud Speech led to brutal beaten on the Floor of Congress.... and subsequently, John Brown's RAIDS and ultimately The Civil War

In the first two Kansas territorial elections, one in November 1854 and the second in March 1855, thousands of citizens along Missouri’s western border flooded across the state line into Kansas to throw the popular vote into the hands of the proslavery Kansans.

By intimidating and harassing Free-State settlers at the polling places, they suppressed the Free-State vote.

Some counties recorded more proslavery votes than the total number of residents. A territorial census taken at the beginning of March 1855, for example, counted 2,905 voters, and yet the election 30 days later tallied over 6,000 votes.

The proslavery faction won the territorial elections by overwhelming majorities, and the abolitionists and antislavery partisans were further incensed by the election’s irregularities.


Infuriated by the tactics of violence, coercion, and fraud used by the proslavery side to win the first Kansas Territorial elections, abolitionist Senator Charles Sumner, in his narrative of “Bleeding Kansas he 

characterized proslavery congressmen to their face as a “noisome, squat, and nameless animal . . . not a proper model for an American senator”.

A slaver retaliated and beat Sumner to a pulp with a cane!

Although it would be three-and-a-half years before Sumner was well enough to return to the Senate, Massachusetts re-elected him, too, by a huge majority. The deep divisions between North and South had never been clearer.