4 Million+ Petition Electors To Dump Trump Meet The organizer Brezenoff

Petitions, Black Abolitionists & The Gag Rule

Thousands of Anti-Slavery Petitions led to the "Gag Rule"

“Am I gagged or am I not?”

In May of 1836 the House passed a resolution that automatically "tabled," or postponed action on all petitions relating to slavery.

In 1837—38, for example, abolitionists sent more than 130,000 petitions to Congress asking for the abolition of slavery in Washington, DC. In addition they opposed the admission of new slave states and the annexation of Texas. Antislavery opponents became more insistent, Southern members of Congress were increasingly adamant in their defense of slavery.


Hillary Joins the RECOUNT ~Before the recount has begun, evidence of foul play has been exposed in 3 Wi precincts – which had resulted in phantom votes given to Trump –18% of Trumps lead disappeared when an audit uncovered 5k fake votes!
