Previous Episode: Jolene Goring
Next Episode: Andy Hnilo

Keto is the crazy fad diet of today, and with this excitement comes an excess of hype, misinformation, and a flawed approach. Host Brad Kearns talks about how to do keto the right way, with particular attention to doing the necessary prep work to develop metabolic fitness before you commence your first formal foray into nutritional ketosis. You'll learn why a regimented approach might be too stressful, and that the concept of refeeds and accordant strategies might be best addressed with Brian McAndrew's simple suggestion to not worry about it, because "life will give you refeeds." You'll learn how to stick it out if things get a little difficult early into keto, and how the most profound benefits are enjoyed when you complete a minimum six-week period of strict nutritional ketosis. You'll also learn about Brian's pre-existing commitment to keto that overrides any potential application of will power or decision fatigue on a day-to-day basis. Commit to a simple strategy where you choose from a list of approved foods and don't consider any outside options. Enjoy this informative show that will help you succeed with keto!