Enjoy this simulcast from Brad Kearns Facebook Live event, and join the Keto Reset Facebook community. Many topics relating to keto and healthy living are covered in this fast-moving show. Brad shares highlights of a recent conversation with Mark Sisson about metabolic flexibility and "fractal eating." Mark relates how his lifelong keto strategy is to spend lots of time fasting or in ketogenic eating patterns, but not worry about the details such that occasionally he will consume carbs outside the traditional keto range, but in what he calls the "keto zone." Mark mentioned a recent discussion with Dr. Joe Mercola who argues that fasting during jet travel protects you from the high levels of radiation and EMFs you face on an airplane, and also the lack of top foods available when you are on the go.    Metabolic flexibility really means that you can handle anything, from fasting and turbocharged fat and ketone burning to perhaps even a carb binge. Brad discusses his recent experiment, inspired by Chris Kelly and Dr. Tommy Wood of NourishBalanceThrive.com, to consume additional nutritious calories to support his athletic training and recovery goals. It's also likely that you face a different set of decision making parameters based on your body fat goals and blood markers. Those recovering from metabolic damage or trying to drop excess body fat might pay more attention to carb intake levels until they achieve their goals. Those interested in performance and recovery can be more flexible. Ben Greenfield relates that he spends a lot of time fasted or in keto, but enjoys life in the evenings with his family, including consuming nutritious meals and treats that might be high in carbs. So what? He makes sure he recovers for future intense workouts and also that he enjoys life. Furthering that concept, we discuss Brian McAndrew's (Instagram @WholeDoods) quickly-going-viral concept that "life will give you refeeds"- so you don't have to obsessively plan them or track them. This is just a small taste of many other fun topics covered, so check out this show and send your comments and feedback to [email protected]

Enjoy this simulcast from Brad Kearns Facebook Live event, and join the Keto Reset Facebook community. Many topics relating to keto and healthy living are covered in this fast-moving show. Brad shares highlights of a recent conversation with Mark Sisson about metabolic flexibility and "fractal eating." Mark relates how his lifelong keto strategy is to spend lots of time fasting or in ketogenic eating patterns, but not worry about the details such that occasionally he will consume carbs outside the traditional keto range, but in what he calls the "keto zone." Mark mentioned a recent discussion with Dr. Joe Mercola who argues that fasting during jet travel protects you from the high levels of radiation and EMFs you face on an airplane, and also the lack of top foods available when you are on the go.    Metabolic flexibility really means that you can handle anything, from fasting and turbocharged fat and ketone burning to perhaps even a carb binge. Brad discusses his recent experiment, inspired by Chris Kelly and Dr. Tommy Wood of NourishBalanceThrive.com, to consume additional nutritious calories to support his athletic training and recovery goals. It's also likely that you face a different set of decision making parameters based on your body fat goals and blood markers. Those recovering from metabolic damage or trying to drop excess body fat might pay more attention to carb intake levels until they achieve their goals. Those interested in performance and recovery can be more flexible. Ben Greenfield relates that he spends a lot of time fasted or in keto, but enjoys life in the evenings with his family, including consuming nutritious meals and treats that might be high in carbs. So what? He makes sure he recovers for future intense workouts and also that he enjoys life. Furthering that concept, we discuss Brian McAndrew's (Instagram @WholeDoods) quickly-going-viral concept that "life will give you refeeds"- so you don't have to obsessively plan them or track them. This is just a small taste of many other fun topics covered, so check out this show and send your comments and feedback to [email protected]