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Switch the B.S. meter to the "on" position and listen to the wise and powerful Dr. Cate Shanahan address many myths and misconceptions about keto, and other ancestral health practices on this hard-hitting show. Brad has avoided caffeine his whole life so he won't "fry his adrenals." Dr. Cate calls BS. How about eating in the evening--makes you store fat, right? Probably doesn't matter that much. Can you generate ketones on a super high carb diet? Yes you actually can, says Cate. It's all about long periods of fasting or eating in a caloric deficit.   Cate gives us some sneak previews from her fabulous new book, The Fat Burn Fix, that will land in 2020 (hold your breath until then, this is bound to be a masterpiece follow up to her landmark mega-bestseller Deep Nutrition. This book was originally self-published in 2009 and helped spur the explosive growth of the primal/paleo movement. In it, Dr. Catepresented her trademarked "Four Pillars of the Human Diet"

Oh yeah, you know those headaches that happen during a busy, sugar crash burnout day? This pattern can become a serious matter whereby you suffer from frequent mini-strokes when your brain is deprived of oxygen due to overconsumption of carbs and the brains over-reliance on sugar. Prominent author Dr. David Perlmutter calls Alzheimer’s “Type III diabetes” due to the close association between insulin resistance and cognitive decline. Good news shared by Dr. Cate is you can reverse early brain problems and stroke risk by transitioning to a more nutrient-dense, lower sugar, and especially keto-friendly diet. This is no funny business, as Dr. Cate offers the stat the typical western diet derives 66 percent of total calories from the big three main most offensive modern foods: sugars, grains, and refined vegetable oils. Dr. Cate is not afraid to call out entities like Harvard University for aggressively promoting nutrient-deficient diets for decades, spurred by corporate influences and the almighty dollar. This is highly disturbing, and greatly inspiring to take matters of health into your own hands. 

Switch the B.S. meter to the "on" position and listen to the wise and powerful Dr. Cate Shanahan address many myths and misconceptions about keto, and other ancestral health practices on this hard-hitting show. Brad has avoided caffeine his whole life so he won't "fry his adrenals." Dr. Cate calls BS. How about eating in the evening--makes you store fat, right? Probably doesn't matter that much. Can you generate ketones on a super high carb diet? Yes you actually can, says Cate. It's all about long periods of fasting or eating in a caloric deficit.   Cate gives us some sneak previews from her fabulous new book, The Fat Burn Fix, that will land in 2020 (hold your breath until then, this is bound to be a masterpiece follow up to her landmark mega-bestseller Deep Nutrition. This book was originally self-published in 2009 and helped spur the explosive growth of the primal/paleo movement. In it, Dr. Catepresented her trademarked "Four Pillars of the Human Diet"

Oh yeah, you know those headaches that happen during a busy, sugar crash burnout day? This pattern can become a serious matter whereby you suffer from frequent mini-strokes when your brain is deprived of oxygen due to overconsumption of carbs and the brains over-reliance on sugar. Prominent author Dr. David Perlmutter calls Alzheimer’s “Type III diabetes” due to the close association between insulin resistance and cognitive decline. Good news shared by Dr. Cate is you can reverse early brain problems and stroke risk by transitioning to a more nutrient-dense, lower sugar, and especially keto-friendly diet. This is no funny business, as Dr. Cate offers the stat the typical western diet derives 66 percent of total calories from the big three main most offensive modern foods: sugars, grains, and refined vegetable oils. Dr. Cate is not afraid to call out entities like Harvard University for aggressively promoting nutrient-deficient diets for decades, spurred by corporate influences and the almighty dollar. This is highly disturbing, and greatly inspiring to take matters of health into your own hands.