Host Brad Kearns records this podcast as a Facebook Live for the Keto Reset Facebook Group, hitting some very complex and thoughtful questions from the email inbox and taking some questions on the fly from Facebook Live participants. One longtime chronic exerciser/carb addict struggled with the initial foray into keto, so it’s time to back off, recalibrate, be patient—and get stuff handled in the exercise, sleep and stress management categories. Another question wonders if the Keto Reset Mastery Course is worth it? (yeah mon, broaden your horizons, deepen your education!). Discussion ensues about leptin resistance, what it is and can you test for it? At the end, a question about Vitamin D gets Brad revved up for a full discourse on the importance of regular, strategic sun exposure, how diet is an insignificant contributor to Vitamin D needs, how skin cancer prevention strategies are misguided, how Vitamin D experts believe the “normal” range cited by mainstream medicine is too low, and how low Vitamin D (an epidemic in today’s indoor dominant lifestyle) greatly increases your cancer risk. Expose large skin surface areas of your body to direct sun during times of day and year of peak solar intensity in your area…or else!!