In today’s show, host Lindsay Taylor talks to Shawn Mynar, NTP, a holistic nutritionist whom you might know as the host of the popular podcast The Keto For Women Show. Shawn is an expert on helping women heal and achieve optimal health through a ketogenic diet and supportive lifestyle modifications. While Shawn’s practice focuses on helping women navigate the world of keto, the information in today’s show will be relevant to everyone! Some of the topics they cover include:

Who benefits from keto? What are the various motivations of the women with whom Shawn works to go keto?


Tips for making the transition to keto as smooth as possible. How do we set ourselves up for success? Are there things that women in particular might want to consider?


Are there “rules” for keto that we should all be following? How do you achieve “food freedom” or metabolic flexibility?


When it is better to try to heal yourself before making any major dietary changes, versus using dietary changes to heal yourself?


Analysis paralysis is real! What can people do to get going even if they feel overwhelmed by the transition to keto?


How does Shawn help people find the optimal number of calories to eat, the correct macros for their specific needs, etc.? Intuitive eating is the ultimate goal, but how do we get there, especially for people who have a history of yoyo dieting or people whose metabolisms aren’t otherwise healthy to start?

How does Shawn help her clients develop a mindset that leads to success?



Shawn Mynar is a holistic nutritionist based out of Boulder, CO. After years of chronic health issues, Shawn was able to regain complete health by changing the food she puts on her plate, the lifestyle choices she makes, and the mindset she brings to daily life. She now has made it her life’s mission to help others understand and implement the power of using food as medicine, specifically with a high-fat, low-carb approach. She has an online holistic nutrition practice specializing in women’s health, autoimmune disease, hormonal imbalances, and gut health. She also teaches a group class, The Fat Burning Female Project, that takes women through the process of becoming keto-adapted with a safe, effective approach. Shawn shares her knowledge and experiences with the masses on her website