Elle Russ chats with Paul Robinson - fellow thyroid patient and author of Recovering With T3: My Journey from Hypothyroidism to Good Health Using the T3 Thyroid Hormone. Paul became ill with hypothyroidism just before the age of 30. He is 60 this year (2018) and has accumulated a wealth of knowledge on thyroid and adrenal dysfunction.  His scientific background enabled him to fight through the morass of misinformation and recover his health. Paul, was put on the most common thyroid treatment to begin with  - Levothyroxine (also known as Synthroid or T4). However, the majority of his symptoms remained, much like they do for many on T4-only therapy. Over time he became even more ill, with both low cortisol and low thyroid symptoms.

Paul saw many endocrinologists and doctors. Many of these were privately paid for, as he got more desperate and worried about losing his career. Eventually, he realized that he had to figure out what was wrong himself.  During this time he was told, "You will have to live with it", "You have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", "You cannot have a thyroid issue, as your thyroid results are within range". All of these were nonsense! Paul eventually recovered. But the costs were great. Over a 10-year period, the struggle had cost him his career, and relationships were damaged.  Paul's own family doctor at the time was so impressed with the work he had done to get well - she suggested he write about it.

In the Recovering with T3 he describes how he recovered from thyroid and adrenal hormone issues. Paul did get well again, after he had been written-off by numerous medical professionals. In the process of getting well he developed a safe protocol for using the T3 thyroid hormone (Liothyronine). This protocol is explained in detail in the Recovering with T3.  In order to fully recover he developed an innovative approach that he details in his second book Circadian T3 Method (CT3M) which can correct adrenal function in many cases.

Paul has now been taking T3-Only (T3-monotherapy) for over 20 years now. He has has worked with thousands of thyroid and adrenal patients, via many Internet forums, and some one-on-one coaching sessions. He knows that every individual thyroid patient needs a solution that suits him or her. All the thyroid hormone treatments have a role.  With good clinical judgment, and all the available thyroid treatments, there is no reason for anyone to continue without symptom relief.

Paul continues to be active as an advocate for thyroid patients through his website: http://recoveringwitht3.com. He also has a Facebook page where he posts relevant information from time to time:https://www.facebook.com/recoveringwitht3