In today's episode, we dive deep into the heart of a topic that's often overlooked but is of paramount importance: the challenges and resilience of military-connected youth. As we navigate the intricate web of their experiences, we uncover the layers of support, understanding, and community that these young individuals need and deserve.

Key Highlights:

Purple Star Award Program: This initiative identifies schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military. Sarah and Steve shed light on the four foundational requirements that schools need to meet to earn this prestigious recognition.

The Power of Connection: One of the most resonating themes throughout our discussion was the importance of connection. Military-connected youth crave understanding, a sense of belonging, and peer-to-peer relationships that resonate with their unique experiences.

Upcoming Event - Purple Star USA Conference: Scheduled for October 26th, this conference promises a wealth of knowledge. With 21 sessions, insights from boots-on-the-ground professionals, and even a special message from First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, this is an event you won't want to miss. Whether you're already part of a Purple Star school or just curious, there's something for everyone.

Stories Beyond Data: While data drives much of what we do in prevention, there are some stories that numbers can't capture. Hearing from the Purple Star liaisons and the military-connected youth themselves, it's evident that this program is making a tangible difference in their lives.

A Call to Action: If there's one thing to take away from this episode, it's the importance of recognizing, supporting, and celebrating our military-connected youth. Whether it's through the Purple Star Award Program, attending the upcoming conference, or simply being more aware of the challenges these young individuals face, every effort counts.

It's always a pleasure to chat with passionate prevention leaders like Sarah and Steve. Their dedication to supporting military-connected youth is truly inspiring. Remember, prevention is better together, and together, we can make a difference in the lives of these resilient young individuals.

Episode Links: 

 Conference Registration



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