This episode features an in-depth conversation with Trish Luna, an author and speaker from Nashville, on the Prevention Leaders podcast, hosted by Dave Closson. Trish shares her personal journey and the motivations behind her book 'Lambi Learns About Addiction:

A Book About Prevention', aimed at helping children navigate the complex emotions and situations arising from familial substance use disorders. Her work, deeply rooted in personal experiences with addiction's impact on her family, aims to offer solace, understanding, and practical tools for children to cope with addiction's effects around them. The discussion delves into the book's creation, the importance of addressing addiction openly, and how 'Lambi Learns' serves as a vital resource for both children and adults. Trish emphasizes the need for compassionate, informed conversations around addiction, viewing it as a disease rather than a moral failing, to foster healing within families and communities.

00:00 Opening: The Beacon of Hope in Children's Lives

00:28 Welcome to the Prevention Leaders Podcast

01:05 Introducing Trish Luna: A Voice for the Vulnerable

02:23 The Personal Journey Behind 'Lambi Learns'

05:03 Facing Stigma and Finding a Voice

12:13 The Evolution of 'Lambi Learns' and Its Impact

26:17 Empowering Conversations and Emotional Literacy

34:06 The Power of Conversations: Changing Lives with Lambi

34:31 Turning Tragedies into Triumphs: The Emotional Journey with Lambi

34:52 Coping Tools and Emotional Regulation for Kids

37:51 The Importance of Prevention and Future Choices

38:44 Connecting and Helping: The Impact of Lambi Across the Country

39:43 Heartbreaking Stories and the Comfort of Lambi

59:39 Expanding Lambi’s Reach: Training and Community Engagement

01:00:59 Closing Thoughts: The Impact of Sharing and Prevention

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