In this deeply inspiring episode, we sit down with Nathan Wray, a Prevention Coordinator and motivational speaker who has turned his personal struggles into a powerful force for change. Nathan shares his journey from battling addiction to empowering youth and communities through emotional regulation and prevention strategies. His story is a testament to the transformative power of resilience, connection, and trust.

Key Points Discussed:

Nathan Wray's Personal Journey: Nathan opens up about his past struggles with addiction and how he transformed his life, becoming a beacon of hope and change.

The Importance of Emotional Regulation: Nathan discusses how mastering emotional regulation can lead to healthier decision-making and prevent substance abuse.

Building Trust with Youth: Insights into how Nathan builds meaningful connections with young people, fostering trust and open communication.

The Role of A Prevention Coordinator: Nathan explains his role, including his work with the Roane County Anti-Drug Coalition and as a DEC (Drug Endangered Children) response team coordinator.

Impactful Moments in Prevention Work: Nathan shares a heartwarming story of a student impacted by his talk on the dangers of vaping.

Tips for Engaging Youth: Nathan provides practical advice for engaging with young people in educational settings, emphasizing the importance of connection and active participation.

Youth Engagement and Empowerment: Nathan defines youth engagement and discusses its critical role in empowering young individuals.

Advice for Parents and Educators: Nathan offers guidance on teaching emotional regulation to children and the importance of 'serve and return' in early childhood.

DEC and Its Role in the Community: An overview of the Drug Endangered Children program and its multidisciplinary approach to reducing trauma in children's lives.

Guest Bio:

Nathan Wray is a Prevention Coordinator for the Roane County Anti-Drug Coalition and a motivational speaker. With a passion for helping youth overcome adverse childhood experiences, Nathan's work focuses on education, prevention, and empowerment.

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Closing Thoughts:

Nathan's journey reminds us that every challenge we face can be a stepping stone to something greater. His dedication to empowering the youth and his insights on emotional regulation are invaluable tools for anyone looking to make a positive impact in their community.

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Nathan's Facebook   

National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children Online Training


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