Sam Chase

Episode 20
Sam Chase, Lead Facilitator for RISE, designs and delivers programs in mindfulness, yoga, and resilience for organizations nationwide. Sam has worked clients including UBS, Bloomberg, the United Nations, New York University, Columbia-Bassett Medical School, and the National Guard, where he created the yoga program for a pioneering resilience intervention led by researchers at Weill-Cornell Medical Center. Sam has trained more than 1000 yoga teachers around the country during the last decade, and his book Yoga & The Pursuit of Happiness weaves together Eastern contemplative traditions and Western scientific research. A Kripalu Yoga teacher and graduate of the Certificate in Positive Psychology, Sam holds a master’s degree from Harvard, where he was the national recipient of the Jacob K. Javits Fellowship.
Listeners, I'm honored to have Sam on my podcast. So tune in and enjoy.

Finding my way to yoga and mindfulness---from panic attack to personal practice
What yoga and mindfulness really teach us--or how being happy no matter what is stupid
Yoga & meditation practice
Making work and family part of practice