Mary B. Lucas

Episode 15
Mary's father gave her the foundation of life values much like my father gave me. Mary’s book, Lunchmeat & Life Lessons: Sharing a Butcher's Wisdom, is a motivational memoir and tribute to her father on how to bring out the best in yourself and others. She is a frequent motivational speaker, sharing insights and lessons she has learned through her career as a renowned staffing professional. Mary worked her way up from a Customer Service Representative to the role of Chief Talent Officer for one of the largest staffing companies in the world. 
This episode is filled with life lessons and wisdom!
Butcher’s Wisdom:
1)     In the Beginning
2)     Create A Lasting Impression
3)     Stay Focused
4)     Make Something Happen
5)     Bring Out the Best
6)     Admit Your Mistakes
7)     Enjoy the Ride
Look for Happiness Within
“The happiest people are the ones who are inspired and enjoying the ride they are in on while they are on it”
Your Optimist View on Life

Celebrate Life
Put Bad Things in Perspective
Meet the Challenge
“Don’t take life too seriously – you are never going to get out it alive anyway.”

 Advice on Grief
 “To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die” 
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