Bill Worley

EPISODE 5Bill Worley (aka Doc Worley) is best known for starting the Business Journal Magazine. He was a natural hard worker and entrepreneur at a young age. I feel so lucky to have known Doc Worley, my best friend's dad, for the last thirty years. Doc talks about the importance of family and faith. My favorite part of the interview is when he reads his beautiful letter on how to live a happy, productive and more serene life to his daughter Alexis.  "You must cultivate an attitude of gratitude." "Anything is possible if you take it one bite at a time." Letter to his daughter, Alexis - May 20, 2013.  Alexis,When you were home for Mother's Day you asked me to write down what I told you regarding the folly of trying to control things over which you have no control. I have expanded that request --- here it is ----Three suggestions to help you to live a happy, productive and more serene life.  First, accept the fact that almost all of the things that happen to you and seem, at the time, like a disaster, will, given time ...turn out to be beneficial to you. I believe this is due to the Lord working in mysterious ways which we don't and can't understand. It may seem hard to believe but if you look back at the events that have occurred in your life, which you felt were awful, then examine the present results you will find this is true. The hard part is to remember this fact, in a calm manner, at the time of the apparent disaster.  Second, as you have frequently heard, you must cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Always try to frame your thoughts with grateful feelings toward the everyday happenings as well as the exceptional events. With the life we have been given (and partially earned) it is easy to find multiple things for which to be grateful on an almost constant basis.  The first two things are to do. The last is one not to do. Don't allow your thoughts on how another person or entity reacts to any situation upset you. This is the fools errand of trying to control that over which you have little or no control. The examples are legion, all of the; he should have, I would have, it's stupid to do it that way, one included. You are perfectly free to think or even say whatever you want, but never allow yourself to become emotionally involved - hurt - angry - disappointed or whatever - when someone or something doesn't line up to your expectations concerning their behavior. Additionally, remember if you feel the need to express your thoughts regarding what was not done to your standards a reaction of some sort will probably occur. This gives you something else to criticize and the result is a nice moment of DRAMA. Bottom line, if it's not something you are in charge of (like your own behavior) don't try to control it.  This "not to do" is more difficult than the first two "to dos" but just as important.  Keep this in your top drawer for easy reference and remember Your Daddy Loves You.