La entrada EP 39 Cultivating a sense of belonging at the workplace with Razwana Wahid se publicó primero en Presentástico.

ATENCIÓN: Este episodio es excepcionalmente en inglés. En el próximo episodio resumiremos en castellano las ideas principales tratadas en esta entrevista.

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In episode 39 I interviewed Razwana Wahid, diversity and inclusion consultant and conflict management expert. These are some of the topics that we discussed in our conversation:


We have communities everywhere, except at the workplace.The sense of community make us happy.What is the Professional Women’s Network (PWN)?¡Viva la Presidenta!Volunteering can lead to professional opportunities.The three main problems at the workplace regarding human relationships.The 5 Factors of Community at Work: Purpose, Collaborate, Communicate, Leadership, Culture.Cultivating the sense of belonging when recruiting people.Building the sense of belonging to current employees with mentoring and coaching programs.There is nothing worse than silence.Leading by example to avoid a lack of trust.Ask your team how they are feeling.Important values to cultivate sense of belonging: Transparency, Openness and Trust.Individual communication at the workplace is very important.Go for a walk to have difficult conversations.People don’t know how to have frank conversations at the workplace.Quality conversations are lacking in companies.Create activities that foster conversation.Let’s talk about anything but work!Find somebody new in the company to get to know, every month.Main error when people give feedback: they talk about character and not behaviour.Constructive feedback structure: 1) This is what you are doing. 2) This is the impact it has. 3) How is it on your side? 4) How can we now move forward?Practice the conversation before going to speak to the person.How can we break silos at work.Do we know what each other is working on?Change your attitude to collaboration.Using humor at the workplace. Being funny is not the same as having fun.Write jokes in email’s PS. Make presentations in Microsoft Paint.People are starving for humor in the workplace.Using animated GIFs to smooth out things. How to develop empathy at work.Ask questions!How to improve employees’ EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient)?Building Emotional Intelligence habits.Add to your calendar: “Ask people how they are feeling?”Add to your calendar: “What am I grateful for?”   Emotional Intelligence starts with what you say to yourself.Meditation and journaling to improve self-awareness.Rebranding meditation as an anti-stress breathing technique. Razwana’s tools for public speaking: stories, humor and activities.How can we be proud of what we do as a team?

Show notes

YouTube: Standing-up to Fear | David Nihill | TEDxManchester

Website: PWN | Barcelona – Professional Women’s Network

Bar Origen Barcelona

Vistaprint – Supporting Working Parents

Episode: EP 30 Storytelling y Gamificación con Jacobo Feijóo

Episode: EP 38 “Menos reuniones y más conversaciones”: el liderazgo según Alejandro Hernández

Book: Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari.

YouTube: The Skill of Humor | Andrew Tarvin | TEDxTAMU

Curso de monólogos en Barcelona (Stand-Up course in Barcelona).

Podcast: Humor en público

Book: Humor That Works: The Missing Skill for Success and Happiness at Work by Andrew Tarvin.

App: FlipaClip Cartoon Animation (iOS, Android)

Website: Giphy

App: Meme Generator (iOS, Android)

Book: Emotional Intelligence: 10th Anniversary Edition; Why It Can Matter More Than IQ by Daniel Goleman.

mBraining: Using your multiple brains to do cool stuff by de Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu

Razwana Wahid’s LinkedIn

Razwana Wahid’s website:


Initial song: “Jazzy Frenchy” from

La entrada EP 39 Cultivating a sense of belonging at the workplace with Razwana Wahid se publicó primero en Presentástico.