We made a program change at the last moment due to timing and the coming Elections, I wanted this Episode to be Aired on KYAH before the Nov 6th deadline. I felt that the content was more on picking and choosing based on our values, and not the Media Hype.

As much as I would like to tell you that I am a Well Known Radio Host, and you're just finding me, that would be disingenuous. I have been Podcasting for years, but this is a First for me, and YES! I am nervous as all Get-Out.

Join Mark Boyle, preparedness thinker, freedom loving, and nutritional purest on KYAH 540 AM and KNAK 1620 AM Utah's Talk Authority Channels.  With Expert Guests, Authors and Listener Questions on these subjects and more.  

To ask any question and be part of the solution, and discussion Call 1-520-261-9149 or go to Prepper Guy for more Q&A Options