What Should We Do
Continue Down the Yellow Brick Road, China Pun Intended.

Authorities Worldwide are Terrified of Those Who Can See Beyond Their Bullshit And The Number Of Us Are Growing.

A Simple Plan is Coming, And I Have It.

Prepper Guy Video and Audio Podcasts would not be possible without you, I remain passionately dedicated to the mission of educating people all over the world on the subjects of Preparation, Thinking Outside the Box, and trying to read the “Writing on the Wall”.


Together, we’re getting the word out on the dangers that are coming to America.


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5 Years of Podcasts: https://prepperguy.podbean.com/

On Contra Radio Network: https://contraradionetwork.podbean.com/

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Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/GSXIqJ97MRBR/

Tumbler: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/marktheprepperguy


Most of my podcasts are Rated (R)

If bad language offends your sensibilities, by all means, go back down to your parent's basement.