This week, I'm sharing updates on the four clients with LTC claims that we shared on February 22nd. I have been walking with these families as they prepare for and begin extensive caregiving needs for their moms and wives. I can't imagine how hard it would be to navigate the claims process without guidance from an LTC Specialist. Some phrases I've heard along this journey are: "Everything changes every day.  The stuff I needed to help with yesterday is completely different than what she needs today." "She doesn't remember ANYTHING I tell her." "I'm so glad you're here to help me get this in place.  I don't know how I could do it alone." Opening an LTC claim is not that complicaed, if you know what to expect.  I feel like I'm a relevant part of each family's team as they work to help their loved one get through each day.  I'm honored to be involved, and I'm thankful that God has placed me in this role to help with such extreme needs. If you don't have a plan for your last few years, contact me.  We'll work together to make sure you have a plan, and that you and your family understnad how that plan works.