We need to start planning now, 30 years before we think we'll need help living. It'a hard to believe that care could ever cost that much, but in 2001, when I started working in the LTC industry, nursing homes were $1000/month.  People I spoke with thought that was so unfair. Use Genworth's Cost of Care report to view projected future costs here  Be sure to input 5% inflation growth to budget accurately. Most of us would be happy if care for dementia or mobility concerns was only $1000/month. In 1990, home care costs were about $11/day. Getting old and needing help is not ever going to get less expensive, so we need a plan. This week, I share the plan Maureen and I designed to create $250K annual LTC benefits in 30 years, when she is 80.  She has enough income and assets to cover higher costs withoujt hurting herself or her family financially. Listen and learn about the plan she chose to protect her family and, even more importantly, her CHOICES.   Schedule with me to design your plan at