Jason Reichl, co-Founder of Go Nimbly, joins Sarah Hicks on this episode of the Predictable Revenue Podcast.


Go Nimbly is the first revenue operations consultancy with the goal of allowing high-growth companies to increase the revenue of each of their customers through eliminating operational silos. Jason dives into revenue operations (5:00), the impact of a good rev ops team on the org as a whole (6:48), the infrastructure this rev ops team should operate within (12:30), the importance of hiring operations generalists (15:26), how rev ops can increase your revenue growth by 26% (18:36), abandoning vanity metrics (24:29), a better comp structure for everyone within the revenue org, and how to build a rev ops team on a limited budget (27:25).



Our experience with being customer-focused: Learning to put our customers first, the hard way. 

And on breaking down silos: How to align marketing and sales to increase revenue with keynote speaker and expert business coach Jeff Davis