Are you tired of spending hundreds of dollars on advertising campaigns that yield mediocre results? Do you feel like your small business needs to catch up in a sea of competition, struggling to capture the attention of your local audience? Get ready for a game-changing episode of "Predictable B2B Success" because our guest, David Van Beekum, has cracked the code for affordable and effective small business marketing.

In this episode, David, the cofounder and creator of Tweva, a social TV network, shares his insights on how businesses can create content that converts without breaking the bank. Get ready to learn about the power of authentic, user-generated content. David also explores the potential of advertising to local audiences and strategies to harness the power of proximity.

But that's not all! David shares his revolutionary platform called Tweva, where businesses can share and display their content to a local audience uniquely and captivatingly. Imagine showcasing your customer stories on a premier local TV channel, attracting new customers, and building trust in your brand.

If you're ready to unlock the secrets of affordable and impactful marketing, tune in to this episode of "Predictable B2B Success" with our esteemed guest, David Van Beekum. Get ready to transform your business's narrative and embrace the power of user-generated content. The future of marketing is here, and it's predictable B2B success!

Some areas we explore in this episode include: 

The importance of creating authentic and affordable content for small businesses to attract local customers.The potential of two-way advertising and the impact of NFTs in content creation.The significance of building a local presence and becoming a community expert for small businesses.The role of social media platforms like Facebook in advertising for small businesses.The need for businesses to consider their desired narrative and tell a compelling story through their content.The challenges and opportunities in advertising on big screens and tailoring messages to specific locations and customer bases.The effectiveness of offering unique codes or coupons on screens to track customer engagement and conversions.Leveraging proximity to attract foot traffic and cross-promoting with neighboring businesses.The importance of showcasing customer experiences and telling the business's story for effective advertising.The introduction and vision of Tweev, a social TV network for small businesses and influencers, as a trusted platform for local updates and content sharing.And much, much more.