Next Episode: FANGS Exposed

On we discuss factors behind the headline statistics we are bombarded with almost daily. I read a recent article that seemed at first to have a very strange headline relating the FED to the current Star Wars Movie. Sales are currently being touted as the best of all of the movies in the Star Wars Franchise. However those headline statistics may not tell the whole story. People often just take the statistics touted in the headlines and don't ask about factors that are involved. When you compare the INFLATION ADJUSTED sales of the current Star Wars movie against the first Star Wars movie it is actually worse. The sales of the Star Wars movies pale in comparison to the all time champion Gone With The Wind.

The point the author was making is that we often hear statistics without hearing about the factors that influenced them. As in the Star Wars movie comparison there are often factors that make what on the surface seem like positive statistics into something deserves less cheering. For instance the government released statistics they touted as showing a positive job growth. But if we look behind those numbers to see what type of jobs are being created we often find they are lower paid positions in the service industry replacing what were once higher paying jobs in manufacturing.

Listen to our Precious Metals Investing podcast or go to the posts on that discuss the specific statistics more in depth:

Letting the Air out of Job Statistics,

Auto Loans and Record Debt

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