Silver Wheaton is the largest silver streaming company in the world. Randy is one of the founders of Silver Wheaton, joined them full time in 2007 and quickly rose through the company to become CEO in 2011.

Silver streaming is one of the best ways to invest in precious metals and participate in the rise of silver while limiting the risks.

In this wide ranging interview at learn about how Silver Wheaon grew to be the largest streaming company in the world bypassing several other streaming companies.

Randy shares the business plan and philosophy that fueled this growth. Learn how Silver Wheaton selects its assets and limits its exposure to risk.

Silver Wheaton allows its shareholders to participate in the rise of silver and gives back to its shareholders 20% of the profits in the form of dividends.

 Learn some of Randy's thoughts about the future of Silver Wheaton and the precious metals.


For more information about Silver Wheaton and Randy please go to 


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