Puerto Rico Bonds - Default Announced - Is this Only the First Bomb to Drop?

Precious Metals Investing podcast - Audio version of our interview

Puerto Rico Bonds - Is it the first bomb to drop in the Bond Bubble Collapse Michael Pento predicted in an earlier interview here on www.PreciousMetalsInvesting.com Michael Predicted this in his book "The Coming Bond Market Collapse: How to Survive the Demise of the U.S. Debt Market."
In this interview Ted Sudol talks with Paul Mladjenovic, author of Stock Investing for Dummies about the big story in the news - the Puerto Rico Bond Default. We have been hearing rumblings about the possible debt default in Puerto Rico but we have also been hearing about other possible defaults. Atlantic City, New Jersey is almost out of cash and near default. When the casinos first came into Atlantic City and cash was flowing in to government coffers it was spent lavishly. When the economics turned down the government expenditures continued to outstrip the money coming in. The formula for a default is all to common and easily recognized. Spending that outstrips revenue coming in. Since politicians like spending money and telling all of their constituents they can have everything the die is cast. Politicians keep kicking the can down the road for someone else to solve the problem and meanwhile the debt keeps growing.

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