PSA279 I Timothy 10 – Elders and Judgment mp3 In this message, Paul instructs that elders who rule well should be given all due honor, especially those who labor in the Word and teaching. One should not receive accusations against an elder from a single witness, but if there are multiple witnesses the matter should […]

PSA279 I Timothy 10 – Elders and Judgment mp3

In this message, Paul instructs that elders who rule well should be given all due honor, especially those who labor in the Word and teaching. One should not receive accusations against an elder from a single witness, but if there are multiple witnesses the matter should be investigated and the guilty punished. Timothy is to observe these rules without prejudgment. He is not to lay hands suddenly on anyone. He is to drink a sip of wine for his stomach problems. Some men’s sins are obvious, whereas others can only be found out after investigation.