PA451 Galatians 5:22, Fruit of the Spirit 4-Goodness and Faith mp3 In this message, we examine the Fruit of the Spirit goodness, which is the Greek agathosune, referring to what is good by nature. We examine the other three occurrences of this word, and what we can learn about goodness. Then, we consider faith, the […]

PA451 Galatians 5:22, Fruit of the Spirit 4-Goodness and Faith mp3

In this message, we examine the Fruit of the Spirit goodness, which is the Greek agathosune, referring to what is good by nature. We examine the other three occurrences of this word, and what we can learn about goodness. Then, we consider faith, the Greek pistis. Though this is too big a topic to go through all references, we consider some key ones, and what we can learn about the meaning and importance of faith.