PA437 Galatians Introduction mp3 In this message, we consider the book of Galatians. The starting point of most commentaries is that the Galatians were believing Gentiles whom some Jews were trying to convince to be circumcised and to keep the law. Yet an unbiased examination of the book reveals this to be incorrect. We consider […]

PA437 Galatians Introduction mp3

In this message, we consider the book of Galatians. The starting point of most commentaries is that the Galatians were believing Gentiles whom some Jews were trying to convince to be circumcised and to keep the law. Yet an unbiased examination of the book reveals this to be incorrect. We consider who the Galatians were, and what the issue of circumcision and uncircumcision Paul was dealing with was all about. We also consider just where Galatia was, and what cities this book was written to.