PA441 Galatians 2:15-3:5 mp3 In this message, Paul points out, against the nations being circumcised, that they who were Jews by nature realized that they were justified by faith in Christ, not by the works of the law, for the law can justify no one. If Christ justifies sinners, does that mean He is a […]

PA441 Galatians 2:15-3:5 mp3

In this message, Paul points out, against the nations being circumcised, that they who were Jews by nature realized that they were justified by faith in Christ, not by the works of the law, for the law can justify no one. If Christ justifies sinners, does that mean He is a servant of sin? Not at all! Paul through the law died to the law. He is crucified with Christ, nevertheless He lives. He does not set God’s grace aside, since if the law provides righteousness, Christ died for nothing. Christ was clearly portrayed to the Galatians as crucified. Did they receive the Spirit by the works of the law or faith in Christ? Those who work miracles among them: are they doing it by the works of the law or the hearing of faith? These arguments make Paul’s point very strongly!