In this conversation, we will explore some of the nuances and challenges of Exercise Associated Collapse (EAC) with Luca Carenzo. The basis of this interview was the recent publication in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport of An Unusual Case of Marathon-related Exercise-associated Collapse: Case Report and Some Considerations for Medical Care at Endurance Mass Participation Events. We will explore the case and some empirically proven treatments that form the mainstay of treatment within EAC. We will also visit some of the reflections on the case and how it has changed Luca’s thinking on the list of differentials within EAC. We also examine patient-focused research, intra-speciality collaboration and EAC collated databases.

To do this I have Luca Carenzo with me. Luca is an Anaesthetic and Critical Care consultant from Milan, Italy. He previously worked at The Royal London Hospital Adult Critical Care Unit and has taken part in some mission work with Doctors without Borders. He is also a World Extreme Medicine faculty member. He currently works in the Istituto Clinico Humanitas IRCCS Humanitas · Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine in Milan. He also works for i-Help, a critical care mass gathering provider.

The paper in the episode can be found here:

An unusual case of Marathon-related exercise-associated collapse: Case report and some considerations for medical care at endurance mass participation events,immediately%20with%20CPR%20and%20AED.

This paper is also mentioned in the episode:

Sudden cardiac arrest in a marathon runner. A case report