As we look into ourselves we seed the very transformations we desire to manifest in the world. So it’s worth noting, the deep work of healing our own wounds is often so ripe with potential to affect outward ripples of change.

In this episode I’m talking with Dr. Carmen Roman a bilingual and bicultural psychotherapist with 25 years of experience working in both Mexico and in California. She combines both cultures and both worlds in the work and specializes in creative expression as a form of treatment for sexual abuse, trauma, and immigration related stress. 


Carmen and I talk about the responsibility we all have to be present in the here and now. And how this responsibility, simply breaks down into: our ability to respond. This is self-leadership. This is liberation. 

It’s integral that healers, caregivers and change-makers find and cultivate healing spaces for themselves. Too often, we struggle to allow ourselves the space to be held, to dive deeply into and liberate ourselves from the hard, murky, ugly stuff. Yet we all know our wounds are the places most in need of our tending, healing and love. These are our entry points. 

Carmen invites us into her deep and personal journey, blending gestalt and transpersonal psychology she integrates spirituality, meditation and shamanic experiences. She shares that for her, it’s about the ability to stay in deep focus or concentration: in who she is and the impact her actions have on the world and herself. 


This is a beautiful discussion of what stepping into self-leadership can look like. In sharing Carmen’s journey, we bring to light a collective inward journey for many healers. Permission to dive deep with us. 

Full Show notes available at: