We are humans, we create.

Treat your soul to some self-care today and join Lanie Smith and I as we explore creativity, self-knowledge, and how art and nature combine. We’re talking about the evolution of Lanie’s signature approach to wellness and self-care as a sustainable lifestyle, EcoArt Wellness. Sustainable is the key word here because for Lanie, creating art and communing with nature are as natural as living her life.

Lanie is an art therapist, coach and consultant with a passion for supporting other helping professionals tune in as an antidote to burnout and chronic stress. Lanie is on a mission to put people in touch with the process of life through the natural environment. EcoArt Wellness is constantly evolving, so today, Lanie and I get a chance to dive into what that looks like and what it could be in the future. We also had a chance to explore and tease out what it means to be creative, to be spiritual, and to be, well, human.
Lanie has a gift. She can take charged words like “Creativity,” and “Spirituality” and turn them into something sustainable and life-giving. Together, we’ll define what it might look like to trust our inner knowing, if only we slow down to hear it. I invite you to take what is formless and give it form. Learn from Lanie’s little practices and start cultivating some EcoArt Wellness in your own life. You won’t be disappointed.

Lanie online and your Burnout Prevention Guide: laniesmithcoaching.com/burnoutpreventionguide

Lanie’s group practice in Phoenix, AZ: Integrative Art Therapy

Working With Rebecca:

Rebecca’s integrative mastermind for therapists is now forming. It’s designed to help release blockages, cultivate your vision and tend to yourself and the relationships that support you. Our foci is on integrating your professional and personal parts in full support of you thriving in all aspects of your life, relationships, and livelihood. All of these layers of you play together to either elevate you to the next level or hold you stuck in a loop of overwhelm and inaction. 

We’re still accepting enrollment in our Wild Woman Discussion Groups that meet online the last Thursday of the month through September 2018. We’re journeying together in remembering who we are, what we are made of, and why we are here.  

Learn more about working with Rebecca's 1-on-1 integration coaching at: practiceofbeingseen.com/integration-coaching

Learn more about Rebecca’s relationship therapy practice and intensive couples retreat in NY go to connectfulness.com


For more information and resources, visit the website at practiceofbeingseen.com.