Soul Searching with Corey Perlman: Tips for Maximizing Social Media and Keeping Perspective

Our guest this week is the author of Social Media Overload

He offers practical tips:

Prioritize the platform your customers are using
Create useful content: “what questions do you get all the time from your clients? Answer those questions to help them.”
Use video: “especially now, we’re unable to meet in person, video is a powerful tool of connection.”
Limit your time on social media: “it can be a tool or a drug.”
“Choose whatever you feel most comfortable with and enjoy: video, podcast or blog.”
“Don’t take advice from people who haven’t earned the right or you don’t think is a good person.” This helps us not worry about the critics or the haters.

The wisdom he shares: “The pandemic has taught me how important connection is. Doing huddles virtually with clients and reaching out to friends so they know you care. The shining light in this dark moment is spending so much time with family.”

His practical wisdom: “Don’t let your ego get in the way of receiving help or advice.”

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