Co-Hosts:  Athena LaFlamme Edwards and Om Prakash Gilmore


Welcome of Warrior of Compassion Reflection -- Discussions.  Here we discuss current events from the real Progressive and Left Liberal point of view, not from the Liberal view pretending to be progressive.  We discuss religion, philosophy, politics, and spirituality.  We don't expect you to agree with everything we say, but we would appreciate it if you would Google the facts that you hear to prove to yourself if they are true or not.


And make sure not to only read the answers from the top or along the edge.  The ones there are sometimes paid for by people with their own agendas.  Explore them, understand them, and take the truth that you learn back to the community so they can sharpen their critical thinking skills so they can begin to figure out the truth for themselves.  The main goal of this show is to help you become a knowledgable, critical thinker, so you can turn the world around.