Om Prakash Gilmore -- Discussion With Rev. Jerrie Hildebrand

Rev. Jerrie Hildebrand is from Massachusetts and has been an ordained Circle minister for nine years. She is the former Director and currently a Special Issues Consultant of the Lady Liberty League and supports other religious freedom organizations nationally. Jerrie was part of the team that initiated the Pentacle Quest and her illustrations of the Pentacle and Awen symbolsgrace grave markers today.

As part of her work, she developed a training program for teaching schools, prison chaplains and institutional organizations about the holy days and holidays for others to begin to relate and train school systems.She also currently serves as a Wiccan/Pagan/Earth-Centered Volunteer chaplain in her state and federal correctional systems.Jerrie has been affiliated with various national nature-centered organizations since 1986 serving on governing boards and in various official roles.

She has returned to the Board of Trustees of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagansand sits on the Executive Board as the Corporate Secretary. In the past, she served on the CUUPS Board from 1996-1999as Public Relations and Communications Director forand was on the board of AREN