Meet a former public school teacher who fell in love with homeschooling and developed her own music appreciation curriculum. This seasoned mama has many nuggets of wisdom to share for families considering the homeschool lifestyle. 

Mary Prather, founder of and the S.Q.U.I.L.T program talks about her homeschool misconceptions and how their family made intentional decisions to find freedom in educating at home. 


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Mary is a homeschooling mom of two teens and former public school educator. Her family's journey out of public school and into homeschool taught her and her husband infinite amounts about their children, education, and what the true purpose of "school" really is. Mary is also a degreed music educator and educational administrator and writes the music appreciation curriculum SQUILT.  She loves teaching all ages of children online in SQUILT LIVE!.


Mentioned in this Episode

Sonlight Curriculum

Classical Conversations Curriculum

Living Books (Charlotte Mason List)

The President's Song - CC