Have you wondered how to handle Halloween as a Christian family? Is it okay to dress up your kids and "celebrate" this holiday? 

In this episode, Jenn Bryant shares her take on Halloween, options for safe practices as a Christian family, and how to redeem this holiday for Christ and be a light to your community. 

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Mentioned in this Episode

Episode 021 | Where Did That Come From? The History of Christmas Traditions - Part 1

Episode 022 | Where Did That Come From? The History of Christmas Traditions - Part 2


Halloween Fun

Boney the Skeleton: Free Candy

Boney the Skeleton: Human Body

How to Steal Your Kid's Halloween Candy


Theological References

Peter and Paul Disagreement: Galatians 2:11-13

Agree to Disagree? What We Can Learn From Peter and Paul

The Connection Between Halloween and Reformation Day

Martin Luther & the 95 Theses - Video for Kids

Twitter Mentions