So, you trained a great AI model and deployed it in your app? It’s smooth sailing from there right? Well, not in most people’s experience. Sometimes things goes wrong, and you need to know how to respond to a real life AI incident. In this episode, Andrew and Patrick from join us to discuss an AI incident response plan along with some general discussion of debugging models, discrimination, privacy, and security.

So, you trained a great AI model and deployed it in your app? It’s smooth sailing from there right? Well, not in most people’s experience. Sometimes things goes wrong, and you need to know how to respond to a real life AI incident. In this episode, Andrew and Patrick from join us to discuss an AI incident response plan along with some general discussion of debugging models, discrimination, privacy, and security.

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Andrew Burt – Twitter, WebsitePatrick Hall – Twitter, GitHubChris Benson – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, WebsiteDaniel Whitenack – Twitter, GitHub, Website

Show Notes:

AI Incident Response Checklist and other resources
“New Law Firm Tackles AI Liability” (article about
In the realm of paper tigers – exploring the failings of AI ethics guidelines
Debugging Machine Learning Models workshop
Why you should care about debugging machine learning models
Strategies for model debugging
FTC: Using Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms
SR 11-7: Guidance on Model Risk Management
Apple Goldman case
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
Previous episode: Data management, regulation, the future of AI

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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