This week we bend reality to expose the deceptions of deepfake videos. We talk about what they are, why they are so dangerous, and what you can do to detect and resist their insidious influence. In a political environment rife with distrust, disinformation, and conspiracy theories, deepfakes are being weaponized and proliferated as the latest form of state-sponsored information warfare. Join us for an episode scarier than your favorite horror movie, because this AI bogeyman is real!

This week we bend reality to expose the deceptions of deepfake videos. We talk about what they are, why they are so dangerous, and what you can do to detect and resist their insidious influence. In a political environment rife with distrust, disinformation, and conspiracy theories, deepfakes are being weaponized and proliferated as the latest form of state-sponsored information warfare. Join us for an episode scarier than your favorite horror movie, because this AI bogeyman is real!

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Show Notes:

The Dark Knight’s Tale (DeepFake)
Official PyTorch Implementation of StarGAN - CVPR 2018
Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models (YouTube)
Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models (PDF)
MelNet: A Generative Model for Audio in the Frequency Domain
Text-based Editing of Talking-head Video
Better Language Models and Their Implications (GPT-2)
Fake-porn videos are being weaponized to harass and humiliate women: ‘Everybody is a potential target’
The National Security Challenges of Artificial Intelligence, Manipulated Media, and

“Deepfakes” – 13 June 2019

Student with access to TPU credits reproduced GPT2-1.5B and plan to release model
Papers With Code: fake+detection
In Ictu Oculi: Exposing AI Generated Fake Face Videos by Detecting Eye Blinking
A Retrospective Analysis of the Fake News Challenge Stance Detection Task
Deepfake debunking tool may protect presidential candidates. For now. Sometimes
The Era of Fake Videos is Here
S.3805 - Malicious Deep Fake Prohibition Act of 2018
Practical AI episode #47 - GANs, RL, and transfer learning oh my!
Synthetic Realities: Deep Learning for Detecting AudioVisual Fakes
Machine Learning for fake news detection: theory and practice

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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