Eso eso priyatama
Kat́hor hiyá mama karo kusumasama
Jválo álo násho tamah
Eso eso priyatama

Je phul phot́e niko kat́hin shilá pare
Phut́uk áji se komala dharádháre
Je phal phalila ná maruhrdayamájhe
Táháre sájáo shobhana shyáma sáje
Lágáo ámáre manomata káje
Vinati jánái namo namah

Lágini etadin tomár kona káje
Sájini tomár manomata sáje
Bujhini taphát káje o akáje
Ámár sei trut́i ájike kśamo kśamo

Come, please come, my Most Beloved;
Make my hard heart like a flower.
Shine Your light, and dispel darkness;
Come, please come, my Most Beloved.

Flowers that do not bloom on solid stone,
Let them blossom now within soft loam.
Fruits that grow not inside arid heart,
Array them in a comely, verdant garb.
Set me to tasks of Your preference;
Humbly this I beseech in reverence.

For long, I don't do any of Your duties,
And I don't wear clothing to Your liking.
I know not which deeds are wrong or right;
Today please pardon this flaw of mine.