With huge adjustments in how we live and global events reaching us in real-time, there is constant change in public feeling.
Whether it’s uncertainty, mistrust, frustration or comradery, understanding the way we, the public are feeling has never been so important in Public Relations.
In this episode I speak to Stephen Waddington. Wadds is an advisor and consultant on communications, he has led the CIPR and authored multiple PR books including #BrandVandals, ShareThis and Brand Anarchy.
He has spent over 25 years understanding the public and the most effective way organisations should understand and interact with audiences, build trust and grow by improving techniques and technologies.
Wadds and I discuss:
- How PR has understood target audience
- How to understand the public, and not just the media that influences them
- How it is possible to track public feeling
- Where surveys, social and search listening fits into this
This is the first podcast in a series I’ll be running on public feeling insight. Get in touch with thoughts and ideas @StellaBayles @Wadds Special Guest: Stephen Waddington.

With huge adjustments in how we live and global events reaching us in real-time, there is constant change in public feeling.

Whether it’s uncertainty, mistrust, frustration or comradery, understanding the way we, the public are feeling has never been so important in Public Relations.

In this episode I speak to Stephen Waddington. Wadds is an advisor and consultant on communications, he has led the CIPR and authored multiple PR books including #BrandVandals, ShareThis and Brand Anarchy.

He has spent over 25 years understanding the public and the most effective way organisations should understand and interact with audiences, build trust and grow by improving techniques and technologies.

Wadds and I discuss:

How PR has understood target audience
How to understand the public, and not just the media that influences them
How it is possible to track public feeling
Where surveys, social and search listening fits into this

This is the first podcast in a series I’ll be running on public feeling insight. Get in touch with thoughts and ideas @StellaBayles @Wadds

Special Guest: Stephen Waddington.