Olá, bem-vindo à Tribo TDAH, o podcast com um foco diferente na sua vida!

Hoje nós vamos falar sobre TDAH e motivação, então venha aprender o que funciona ou não dá certo para começar e conseguir terminar todos os seus planos!

Descubra a relação entre estar motivado, dopamina e Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade e como fatores externos ou internos podem fazer toda diferença. Conheça também algumas dicas que vão ajudar a encontrar energias para começar coisas chatas e mudar sua visão sobre os desafios do dia a dia.


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- Tribo TDAH no Apoia.se https://apoia.se/tribotdah

- Tribo TDAH no PicPay https://picpay.me/triboTDAH

**Links de referência**
- Motivation: Psychological Factors That Guide Behavior https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-motivation-2795378

- How To Stay Motivated: The Locus Rule (YouTube) https://youtu.be/8ZhoeSaPF-k

- Praise for Intelligence Can Undermine Children's Motivation and Performance https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/25ab/297c17a87c8a0f79e109be531fe9c7da97b8.pdf

- Praise for intelligence can undermine children's motivation and performance https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1998-04530-003

- Motivation deficit in ADHD is associated with dysfunction of the dopamine reward pathway https://www.nature.com/articles/mp201097

- Motivation Deficit in ADHD is Associated with Dysfunction of the Dopamine Reward Pathway https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3010326/

- ADHD and Motivation Problems https://www.verywellmind.com/adhd-and-motivation-20470

- What’s My Motivation? (No, Seriously, I Need to Get Started.) https://www.additudemag.com/when-adhd-leads-to-lack-of-motivation-how-to-get-work-done/

- Helpful Insights on Addressing ADHD and Lack of Motivation https://fastbraiin.com/adhd-and-lack-of-motivation/

- The Mystery of ADHD Motivation, Solved https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-motivation-problems-getting-started-on-tough-projects/

- ADHD Kills Motivation https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-unmotivated-teen/201710/adhd-kills-motivation

- Motivation is not the key to success if you have ADHD https://marlacummins.com/motivation-is-not-the-key-to-success-adhd/

**Episódios relacionados**
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- Tribo TDAH #02 - TDAH e genialidade http://www.pqpcast.com/blog/tribotdah-2-genialidade

- Tribo TDAH #03 - TDAH e História http://www.pqpcast.com/blog/tribotdah-3-historia

- Tribo TDAH #04 - TDAH e desequilíbrio emocional http://www.pqpcast.com/blog/tribotdah-4-desequilibrio-emocional

- Tribo TDAH #05 - TDAH e diagnóstico http://www.pqpcast.com/blog/tribotdah-5-diagnostico

- Tribo TDAH #06 - TDAH e dopamina http://www.pqpcast.com/blog/tribotdah-6-dopamina

- Tribo TDAH #07 - TDAH e criatividade http://www.pqpcast.com/blog/tribotdah-7-criatividade

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- Tribo TDAH #11 - TDAH e miopia temporal http://www.pqpcast.com/blog/tribotdah-11-tempo

- Tribo TDAH #12 - TDAH e espectro de intensidade http://www.pqpcast.com/blog/tribotdah-12-espectro

- Tribo TDAH #13 - TDAH e hiperfoco (parte 1) http://www.pqpcast.com/blog/tribotdah-13-hiperfoco1

- Tribo TDAH #14 - TDAH e hiperfoco (parte 2) http://www.pqpcast.com/blog/tribotdah-14-hiperfoco2

- Tribo TDAH #15 - TDAH e 3 classificações (Parte 1) http://www.pqpcast.com/blog/tribotdah-15-3classificacoes1

- Tribo TDAH #16 - TDAH e 3 classificações (Parte 2) http://www.pqpcast.com/blog/tribotdah-16-3classificacoes2

- Tribo TDAH #17 - TDA

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