Due to popular demand, we share our thought on claims that the M4/3 system is dead. Marco invited Scott Bourne back on the show to step on their virtual soapbox and discuss some of the claims about the demise of the M4/3 system now that so many new Full-Frame mirrorless camera systems have entered the market. And in the second half of the show, they cover some mirrorless news, a mirrorless listener question, and pick the mirrorless photographer and photo of the month.


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The claim “Micro Four-Thirds is dead, ranks pretty high on the clickbait charts these days, but there are plenty of facts and arguments that contradict these claims. For example, some people may see the introduction of the Full-Frame S1 camera system by Panasonic LUMIX as proof, that Panasonic will abandon their M4/3 camera system. While looking at Fuji and Sony who run two complete camera systems with different sensor sizes successfully next to each other, such a move can simply be seen as a move to grow market share catering to more photographers. Besides that, different sensor sizes do have certain advantages over the other and some of these are covered in this episode.

Some cameras and lenses matching this conversation are:

Olympus OM-D E-M1X

B&H: https://bhpho.to/2CEmWhH 


Panasonic LUMIX G9

B&H: https://bhpho.to/2Jy9B0u 

Amazon Germany: https://amzn.to/2KxmzJy 


Panasonic GH5

B&H: https://bhpho.to/2JQLhr1 

Amazon Germany: https://amzn.to/31t1AP4 


Olympus ED 300mm f4 IS PRO lens

B&H: https://bhpho.to/2JQ4kBB 

Amazon Germany: https://amzn.to/2yOsSTB 


Panasonic Leica DG Vario-Elmarit 50-200mm f2.8-4 ASPH O.I.S.

B&H: https://bhpho.to/2JEkV7s 

Amazon Germany: https://amzn.to/2YUw4I9 



B&H: https://bhpho.to/2Ip0pLK 



B&H: https://bhpho.to/2IoT9zJ 


Hasselblad X1D II 50C

Scott and Marco both tested the first iteration of Hasselblad’s mirrorless FF camera about 3 years ago. The upgraded second version of this camera has improved in especially in the speed and usability department. A huge rear LCD and higher resolution EVF next to quicker start-up time and less blackout time between shots. Marco was also really impressed by the new USB-C option to tether the camera directly to your iPad Pro and run Hasselblad’s Phocus 2 app as an instant preview and editing extension to your workflow. And another nice fact about the camera is that the price has been reduced considerably compared to the release price of the previous version.

B&H: https://bhpho.to/2ZLIOlG 


Hasselblad CFV II

Scott and Marco have fond memories of working with their analog V500 Hasselblad systems. And now Hasselblad revives the system with the CFV II 50C digital back. It attaches to old analog V500 cameras and turns them into a digital medium format camera system. But with the addition of the new tiny 907X body, the CFV II tunes into a very compact medium format camera for the new Hasselblad XCD lens system. And conveniently, that setup allows for autofocus, too.


Hasselblad 907X Special Edition

B&H: https://bhpho.to/2ZPYrZ4 

Olympus Tough TG-6 Camera

SSummertimeis rugged camera time and Olympus added some improved features to this latest iteration of the TG-system that Marco and Scott discuss.

B&H: https://bhpho.to/2ZMwIsx 

Amazon Germany: https://amzn.to/2TpmH1R 


Olympus 150-400mm f4.5 TC 1.25x IS PRO lens

Scott shares some thoughts on the future Olympus tele-zoom lens that maybe the next game-changer in wildlife photography.

Mirrorless question of the month:

What're your views on attracting birds for photography? For me bating is out of the question but what about calling birds with your phone with an app is that acceptable?

Question by: Rick, Toronto, Canada


Marco adds a mirrorless component to the question:

What are Scott’s two suggested bird photography setups right now?


Budget set:

Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III

B&H: https://bhpho.to/2LpfCct  

Amazon Germany: https://amzn.to/31o0LqO


Olympus ED 75-300mm f4.8-6.7 II lens

B&H: https://bhpho.to/2ZJDKOB

Amazon Germany: https://amzn.to/2YC53Ol 


Pro set:

Olympus OM-D E-M1X

B&H: https://bhpho.to/2CEmWhH   


Olympus ED 300mm f4 IS PRO lens

B&H: https://bhpho.to/2JQ4kBB 

Amazon Germany: https://amzn.to/2yOsSTB 


We have a PPN Photo Podcast Network group at Flickr (click link) that is open to our listeners and photos taken with all mirrorless camera brands. If you want to join just let us know through the "request invitation" button on the group and drop us a quick line there. We'll add you to the group then. And please ask for the invite via the web browser and not via the Flickr App. The invite process via the app has not been working reliably. You can also submit an image using the Instagram hashtag #WeShootMirrorless


We have picked our monthly featured photographer and image from the submitted photos. Our monthly We Shoot Mirrorless feature photo and photographer of the month is: Paul Stuart  - Title: Arctic Tern. See his image at the bottom of this page.

Links to Scott Bourne:

Web: https://scottbourne.online 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bourne.scott/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scottbourne 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/scottbourne 

Podcast: https://picturemethods.com/category/podcasts/ 


Links to Marco Larousse:

Web: www.MarcoLarousse.com 

Twitter: @HamburgCam

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marco.larousse/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarcoLarousse1 

Workshops: https://www.marcolarousse.com/street-photography-workshops/ 


Links to PPN:

Web: www.PhotoPodcasts.com or PPN.fm

Twitter: @Photopodcasts

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photopodcasts/

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/PPNPhotoPodcastNetwork 

Please support our show by using our B&H affiliate link (click here) or Amazon Germany link (click here) that will not cost you a penny more than when you are buying at B&H or Amazon without our link.

And please share this podcast with your friends and subscribe via Apple podcasts, Google Podcasts, or search for “PPN” in your favorite podcast app. We would also love to get your feedback. Is there anything that you want us to cover on the show in the future? And we would appreciate if you could take a short moment to rate or post a quick review for our shows on iTunes.


For more information on Marco Larousse follow him on Twitter: @HamburgCam


About this show:

On the monthly #WeShootMirrorless episode of the “PPN - Photo Podcast Network” show, Marco and a guest will discuss news from the mirrorless camera world related to innovations, trends, gear, and accessories. And they will introduce mirrorless camera brands by interviewing the respective managers of those manufacturers. They will also invite pro photographers who make their living working with mirrorless cameras to share some tips and tricks about their workflow.

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