Olympus announced the new OM-D E-M1X today, and PPN got early access to the camera. But to give you an in-depth look at the new camera, we’ve invited Olympus Visionary Chris Eyre-Walker who has been using the new camera for about 4 months in different environments and conditions.

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Marco invited Olympus Visionary Chris Eyre-Walker to this show to share his in-depth experience with the new Olympus E-M1X camera. He is a professional adventure and travel photographer from Belgium. He has traveled with his camera to many exciting places like Faroe Islands, Nicaragua, Cuba, Iceland, and the Alps. And starting in 2017 he expanded his skill set to videography to create adventure films to go along with his adventure photography. He has since created an amazing collection of adventure videos that you should check out in his YouTube channel (click).


The Olympus OM-D E-M1X is the new top of the line Pro camera body from Olympus. It shares the same 20.4 MP Live MOS sensor with the E-M1 MK II, but many features have been improved on the E-M1X. Olympus claims that even the sensors noise and quality have been improved due to the addition of a second True Pic VIII processor.


Auto Focus: The Auto Focus has been re-developed and improved. The sensor still has 121 all cross type phase detection points but the AF algorithm has also been upgraded. The AF should jump less between shots even during sequential shootings - especially when tracking subjects that move unpredictably.


The AF performance in low light manages up to -6EV with an f1.2 lens or -4EV with an f2.8 lens.

A new intelligent subject detection AF has been implemented. The AF settings have been developed for Motorsports, Airplanes, and Trains so far.


The camera also has a fully customizable AF group matrix mode. You can customize your AF target to an odd number of points up to 11 vertical and 11 horizontal.

EVF: The EVF has a 0.83x magnification and up to 120fps plus a reaction time of 0.005 seconds. The E-M1 MK II EVF has a 0.74x magnification.

Power: The E-M1X has a built-in battery grip for 2 BLH-1 batteries (same as E-M1 MK II) and finally allows for USB charging. The built-in USB-C charging option allows for 2 hours charging time of both batteries. And you also have the option of USB power delivery if you want to connect power to the camera directly. This can be useful for studio photo- or video shoots.


Image Stabilization: Up to 7-stops in camera or up to 7.5 stops with IS lens (measured with 12-100 PRO lens). The new gyroscope sensor is 5 times more accurate.

This also enables a 50MP high resolution shot handheld!


Live ND mode: This is a computational feature that calculates multiple shots to give you an effect of an up to ND32 filter (that’s 5-stops) 1-5 stops are possible)


In-camera GPS and compass


Video: New adjustable stabilization modes including customizable and more natural IS modes. A new OM-Log look has also been added.


Ergonomics: This camera is big for an m4/3 due to the integrated battery grip. But the ergonomics of this camera has been very well thought of. One example is that it has the exact same layout for the most important function buttons in both, portrait and landscape orientation.


Reliability: Olympus also focused on pro-grade reliability for the E-M1X. It’S IPX1 weather resistance and a new heat management system help to make this camera very reliable in the field in almost all weather conditions. The shutter has been tested to withstand over 400.000 shutter actuations - that’s twice the amount of the E-M1 MK II.


Price: The E-M1X is $3000 or €3000


Check out or order the Olympus OM-D E-M1X at B&H: https://bhpho.to/2CEmWhH

Mirrorless question of the month:


Hi Marco! We have seen so many new full-frame mirrorless cameras introduced in the past months. Do you think that smaller sensor cameras like m4/3 and APS-C have a future? Especially since smartphones are getting more capable and crop sensor camera bodies are also increasing in size (like Panasonic GH5 & G9, Fuji X-H1 etc). I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Question by: Tim, Denver, Colorado


We have a PPN Photo Podcast Network group at Flickr (click link) that is open to our listeners and photos taken with all mirrorless camera brands. If you want to join just let us know through the "request invitation" button on the group and drop us a quick line there. We'll add you to the group then. And please ask for the invite via the web browser and not via the Flickr App. The invite process via the app has not been working reliably. You can also submit an image using the Instagram hashtag #WeShootMirrorless


We have picked our monthly featured photographer and image from the submitted photos. Our monthly We Shoot Mirrorless feature photo and photographer of the month is: Tim Vrtiska - Title: Treetop. See his image at the bottom of this page.

Links to Chris Eyre-Walker:

Web: https://chriseyrewalker.com

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwI-I_A76zG6qsQphjXExqA

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriseyrewalker/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chriseyrewalkerphoto/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChrisEyreWalker  

Links to Marco Larousse:

Web: www.MarcoLarousse.com

Twitter: @HamburgCam

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marco.larousse/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarcoLarousse1

Workshops: https://www.marcolarousse.com/street-photography-workshops/


Links to PPN:

Web: www.PhotoPodcasts.com or PPN.fm

Twitter: @Photopodcasts

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photopodcasts/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWaUn2M1BBoecISFEOJGRCg

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For more information on Marco Larousse follow him on Twitter: @HamburgCam


About this show:

On the monthly #WeShootMirrorless episode of the “PPN - Photo Podcast Network” show, Marco and a guest will discuss news from the mirrorless camera world related to innovations, trends, gear, and accessories. And they will introduce mirrorless camera brands by interviewing the respective managers of those manufacturers. They will also invite pro photographers who make their living working with mirrorless cameras to share some tips and tricks about their workflow.

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