A creative discussion with our guest Olaf Sztaba. We talk about what can inspire you - once you see nothing interesting to take pictures of anymore.


This is episode #14 of the Camera and Inspiration show at “PPN - Photo Podcast Network” for May 2018.


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Olaf Sztaba picked up his first camera 35 years ago and it ignited his passion for “seeing” - and it turned into his lifetime journey with photography. Many call him a visual poet. His images and writings about creativity, seeing, and simplifying visual scenes are published online and offline in blogs and print media.


Olaf picked Trent Parke as the PPN inspirational photographer of the month. Trent is a four times World Press Photo Award winner and a member of Magnum Photo. But Olaf especially admires the creative vision and longtime projects that Trent creates mainly in camera and not through extensive post-processing. Marco picked Trent's book “Minutes to Midnight” in the PPN - Camera and Inspiration episode #3. You can find out more about Trent Parke on his Magnum profile page: https://www.magnumphotos.com/photographer/trent-parke/


In the main part of the show, Olaf and Marco share some hands-on tips on how to motivate you to go out and see new things even in your familiar surroundings. Try new approaches, allow emotions in your photo shoots, take risks, create questions with your photos, and subtract objects from your images are just a few tips that they cover.


Here are the links to Olaf’s work and social media accounts:


Web: https://olafphotoblog.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/olafphoto  

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olaf_photo/  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/olaf.sztaba   

Marco’s inspirational photo book of the month is called: “Seeing Simplified” - by Olaf Sztaba.


Link to book: https://gumroad.com/l/nfnp

Published by OLI Publishing Inc.  (212 pages)


This book is a creative and visual guide and gives you a lot of optical food for thought. The book should be a constant companion on your smartphone or tablet. And if you are ever in a situation, maybe in your own town, and you see nothing interesting to take a photo of, just open a random page of Olaf’s book and challenge yourself to take an image in that style. And this is not to merely copy Olaf’s style, but it may trigger one of those a-ha moments that burns itself into your memory and makes you aware of something, that you may have overlooked all of those years before. Olaf has worked hard for decades to collect these moments and this book gives you a shortcut to decades of photographic experience and inspiration. For only $24.95 you really should not pass on this opportunity and buy Olaf’s book.

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And please share this podcast with your friends and subscribe via iTunes. We would also love to get your feedback. Is there anything that you want us to cover on the show in the future? And we would appreciate if you could take a short moment to rate or post a quick review for our shows on iTunes.


For more information on Marco Larousse follow him on Twitter: @HamburgCam


About this show:

On the monthly “Camera and Inspiration” podcast show of the PPN - Photo Podcast Network, Marco and usually a guest discuss the essence of photography and how to photograph with more intent. Determining the “why” before the “how” in photography is essential to understanding your subject better and create stronger images. In each episode, they introduce you to an inspirational photographer of the month and also share an inspirational photo book of the month.

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