On the "Camera and Inspiration" show, Scott and Marco talk about inspiration in photography and try to help you to take your camera out with more intent. On this episode they cover the following topics:

A warm welcome to the new "Camera and Inspiration" episode at Photo Podcast Network. Scott picks this month inspirational photographer: Diane Arbus (1923 - 1971) American photographer and photojournalist. She is known as one of the early photographers to focus on "marginalized" people of society. Her "An Aperture Monograph" book is one of the most sold photo books in history. And the movie "Fur" (2006, starring Nicole Kidman) tells a fictional version of her life. Do check Diane's work out, she was a true master and still is an inspiration to today's photographers. Why are we so attached to photography? We talk about the documentary gene that make people want to record their daily lives for future generations - dating back to the cave man. Scott shares some tips to help photographers become better at the craft of photography by following some simple advises that he wished he had known when he started with photography: Pay attention to the background. Know your gear backwards and forwards. Wait on the light. Slow down. Get to know your subject REALLY well. Marco's inspirational photo book of the month is called: MOONFIRE by Norman Mailer and is published by TASCHEN (350 pages ca. US-$ 40 / EUR 30). The book documents the probably single most historic event of the 20th century: The moon landing of Apollo 11 on July 20th, 1969. The book has an amazing image quality for 1969 film photography! It's a well-structured visual documentary of the events that lead to the moon landing.

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For more information on Scott Bourne follow him on Twitter: @ScottBourne
For more information on Marco Larousse follow him on Twitter: @HamburgCam

About this show:
On the monthly "Camera and Inspiration" show, Scott and Marco discussed the art, history and motivation in photography that often gets lost in today’s media rich world. Slow down, look closer and put more intent into photography to increase your creativity and final results. And simply spread the pure love of photography.