#PPCCHAT Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon)

Q1 Do you have anything you do like “spring cleaning” for your PPC accounts (next Q will get into the specifics of what you do)? If so, how often do you do it?

Q2  What kinds of “spring cleaning” things do you do?

Q3 Are there things you think about doing, but don’t quite get around to doing to “spring clean” accounts?

Q4 Are there any tools you use for “spring cleaning” type tasks that you love?

Q5 Do you have processes in place that are essentially constantly “spring cleaning” accounts? Like Roomba for PPC? 

Q6 Are there areas that you wish you had more time to devote to that would make accounts more tidy and/or efficient?

Q7 What is one “spring cleaning” type PPC task that you detest?

Q8 Do you have any suggestions for how the platforms might “spring clean” themselves?


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