#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon)

Q1 Do you regularly perform audits in your PPC work? If so, what do you most frequently audit?
Q2 What do you find most clients expect from an audit? Is there a gap between what they want and what can be delivered?
Q3 Do you have a formal process or checklist you use when performing audits? Does it vary by platform?
Q4 Are there things you tend to find frequently when auditing Google Ads accounts?
Q5 Are there things you tend to find frequently when auditing Facebook accounts?
Q6 What is the craziest thing(s) you’ve found during an account audit?
Q7 If the accounts you’re auditing are a total disaster, how do you present that to the client?
Q8 If the accounts you’re auditing are actually well set up and functioning efficiently, how do you present that to the client?
Q9 Any general advice to share on doing audits and delivering those results to clients?
Businessppc auditaudit