#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon)
Q1 Have you experienced this - you’ve got an account performing well, but it gets stuck at a certain level and seems to want to just stay there?
Q2 Have you also experienced accounts or campaigns where you just can’t get them to perform to the level you want, no matter what you try?
Q3 Do you find that plateaus in performance happen more frequently on some platforms vs. others? If so, which ones?
Q4 What are some things you like to try if you find yourself in that dreaded plateau phase?
Does it vary by platform?
Q5 What do you find, generally, is a client’s attitude about a performance plateau?
Q6 Do you find that performance plateaus share any commonalities, such as length of time, a certain level of volume, etc.?
Q7 What do you do if you have “tried everything” and the account or campaign just won’t budge?
Q8 Do you have any theories about what causes plateaus to happen in the first place?
Q9 What do you wish clients understood better about account performance over time?